Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Cross-Post With a Purpose

I posted this on my other blog already, but I felt I should post it here too. After proposing that Kenneth on 30 Rock has become the "Urkel" of that show, I decided to imagine what would happen if 30 Rock were in fact re-tooled by television's most ruthless re-toolers.

This isn't a fully authentic-looking main title because it doesn't have a scene where the whole cast is together at an outing, and they're not looking into the camera and smiling/waving/mugging -- but at least the theme song is an authentic Jesse Frederick, from the short-lived show Going Places.


Kenny said...

Love the combination of the songs and the clips, but Miller/Boyett didn't really block out the cast's faces with dead center credits, did they? From one obsessive nit-picker to another, the credit placement bugged me.

Jaime J. Weinman said...

Miller/Boyett didn't really block out the cast's faces with dead center credits, did they? From one obsessive nit-picker to another, the credit placement bugged me.

And me as well, but the program I was using wouldn't give me the option of putting the credits further down.